The world has been constantly evolving. We have witness changes from the barbarian phase to the technical one. The various discoveries and innovation have created a new zenith for our kind. Some of the highlights that helped in this advancement are listed below:

·        Fire

It is still a mystery, how fire was discovered? Some say forest fire while the other argue, playing with stone sealed the deal. The flames provided security and improved the taste of food. Till date, fire play an essential part in our lives.

·        Agriculture

After decades of observation man started to understand about crops and growing them. From a hunter; he became a domestic person.  People started to settle down near the river beds. There life changed. Cattle came into picture, domestic animals were raised, and life became more stable. Small societies were formed in this process.

·        Iron

The element had changed our ancestral society. Humans from that era graduated from stone to iron made weapons. This was the start of organized huge kingdoms. Fe became the man’s most formidable ally. Artillery, agriculture tool, and appliances were the most affected by this change.

·        Electricity

A silly experiment by Benjamin franklin gave birth to the idea of electrical energy. Though he was seriously injured, this phenomenon has taken us to the point in life, where we can call it the new society. Everything runs with the help of electricity from our tabs to the aircrafts. This blessing has omitted the dark nights with the light of the bulb.


·        Computer

A vision to have machine do all the hard work became a reality due to computer. This box with the language of 0 and 1 has been the stepping stone of our modern society.  Everyone uses this in one or the other form. We are relying on computers more than humans and it has always been just an interaction from input to output.
